Thursday, July 24, 2008


I like the way she smiles
I like the way she talks
I like the way she mocks
I like the way she laugh
I like the way she mourns
I like she being in love with me
I like me being in love with her

I like her golden hair which is dangling from her big veil
I like her nose's pores which always sweat drops of fresh dew
I like her teeth
I even very grateful to her very nice amplitude

I just need her to be happy
I just need to be beside her forever

Am not submissive pals But I just LOve her!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008



Making your life entirely dependent on someone is cool yet risky


How would u measure it
-Money wise
-social wise


Grudge-Competition-ass kissing-Manipulation-Jealousy-Envy
are available with diffrent tastes in the menu of life


Intelligience over ethics

or the opposite