Monday, March 24, 2008

Save me

Save me .. Save me .. Save me

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

monday 9:00 P.M.

Dear X,

I am sorry I am here again to complain, I know how bored you are from me. But believe me I’ve changed, I am now stronger but I am longing to our conversations, you know why I consider you as the most intimate person to me because you listen to my complaints with no feedbacks, you don’t give me this phoney sorrow look nor a pep talk to cheer me up.
So come now and embrace me I need to cry over your shoulders. I am not sad believe me but I need to be in safe arms.

I am a stranger here my pal, despite all my very hard and sincere trials I am still a stranger.
I am not withdrawing believe me, but you know I just need to talk
I don’t need solutions or reasons.
I don’t need approvals or refusals.
I need to talk.

I talked with her today x
And I hope that I’ve not met her
Neediness is killing me
You know I reached a state that I need to be around her all the time
I need to be noticed by her
And when I am with her I try to end the convo and go away
Then I need to go back to her again grrrrr
What’s wrong with me?

Needy needy needy needy needy needy cheesy cheesy crying

Sunday, March 9, 2008

لقد مر وقت طويل دون ان اشعر بذلك الاحساس
حنين لاشياء لا اعرف مصدرها .. حب جديد لست متاكد منه
لدي رغبة عارمة في البكاء .. انا بالفعل ابكي الان
اشعر بالخجل الشديد ..
لا اعلم لماذا اريد تسجيل تلك اللحظة .. فانا منذ بضعة ايام كنت في قمة السعادة
اشعر الان بحزن شديد و الام مبرحة
اضمد جراحك يا صديقي و عاود السير
رتب افكارك سريعا و عد لارض المعركة
ابتسم لسخرية الحياة
تعاون معها في صمت و دون تنهدات..حتي تقوم بمهامك باقل خسائر ممكنة

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A cheesy post

قابلتها انهاردة تاني سلمت عليا من بعيد ووقفت عشان اروحلها ... سيبت صحابي و رحتلها سلمت عليها .. اتمشينا و قعدنا نلف .. اكتشفت اد ايه هي هبلة و عبيطة بس مش قادر اقاومها .. اسلوبها في اللبس غريب طريقتها ة هي بتقول (منه . هندسة تبية (مش طبية)) طريقة لفها للايشارب الكاب الغريب اللي هي لابسة .. مش عارفف ايه الهبل اللي انا فيه ولا ايه الهبل اللي انا بكتبه .. حاسس اني لما اقرا البوست دا تاني همسحه .. انا عارف ان اللي انا فيه دا (كراش) بس كراش لذيذة جدا ... مش عارف ليه اتضايقت لما اكتشفت انها تعرف ولاد كتييير

Monday, March 3, 2008

The "Menna" experience.

A nice crystal of feelings is flowing arbitrarily in my whole body giving me such a nice joy and happiness.
Although the immaturity of the whole thing, I am enjoing it wildly..

Enjoy the kitsch.....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

La joie de vivre back again.

In short, Today I spent one of the most thrilling days in my life..
I'd like to announce that my birthday was on the 1st of march (yesterday) so I got some funds from the family .. Oh how nice is that. this is a contributing factor in my "joie de vivre" state
The 2nd factor is that my fellow "STPERS" (I'll tell you the whole story of stp later) made me a great surprise and made a birthday party for me .. That was very emototional
The 3rd factor goes to "Belal Reda" What a sincere friend .. He used to be my pal in the primary school and he called me today to say "Happy birth day" How lovely is that.
The 4th reason is walking with "menna" for 3 hours by the nile .. how weird is that

That's enough

I'm waiting now for the traffic officer.