Saturday, March 1, 2008

La joie de vivre back again.

In short, Today I spent one of the most thrilling days in my life..
I'd like to announce that my birthday was on the 1st of march (yesterday) so I got some funds from the family .. Oh how nice is that. this is a contributing factor in my "joie de vivre" state
The 2nd factor is that my fellow "STPERS" (I'll tell you the whole story of stp later) made me a great surprise and made a birthday party for me .. That was very emototional
The 3rd factor goes to "Belal Reda" What a sincere friend .. He used to be my pal in the primary school and he called me today to say "Happy birth day" How lovely is that.
The 4th reason is walking with "menna" for 3 hours by the nile .. how weird is that

That's enough

I'm waiting now for the traffic officer.

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