Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Run Forrest, Run

Excerpts from my life

With a certain mindset .. we're flowing
We harmonize .. we are happy
Sad otherwise
Spoilers are inevitable
They either come alone
Or we bring them
yeah sometimes we bring them
Unexplainable passion for sadness
Are these spoilers the mazes that make the game interesting?
Complaining is cheap, not only pathetic
Self-control is hard to be maintained
Happy endings are intimidating!!

Life is joyful
It really is
Days strengthen us
Spoilers are no longer frightening
I am now familiar with the rise and fall pattern
I get used to it
But There's something I gotta learn
Decisions are to be made in the right phase
Anticipation of problems is a silly thing

With absolute faith in God
With a clear-flexible vision
With continuous improvement

One shall go on peacefully

I guess

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A conversation with shalata!

A conversation with Shalata.

On the melodies of "enta ma3aya" Hossam habib's Hit I had one of the most wonderful conversations with my friend Shalata, the theme was "What makes you happy Shalata"
I'd like firstly to thank him alot for giving me His precious time..and providing me with his enlightened answers

What's Happiness to you shalata??

With a very big smile on his face he said "one of the hardest questions actually"

Take ur time to ponder.

Happiness to me is (not being sad) *With a serious gesture he said that*

It's a very general definition.

Yeah true, But I quit searching for a solid definition for "happiness"
because real-life happiness will never coincide or match this definition .


To me, Emotions have no pattern, Life isn't smooth and isn't and will never be fully understood
Trial and error is what we're all doing ..
Emotions are random they're fluctuating all the time.

So let me rephrase the question What makes you happy?


Thx shalata

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Life vs. Dreams


With hidden motives we greet each other, we talk we walk .
And very carfeully we choose issues we'll share together.
Due to awe of being accused of insanity or imperfection or even be refused.
We all trying-as much as we can-To show the appropriate gesture to apply it in the appropriate situation.
Hypocricy, No no let's name it "Social Adaptation"

As i am here wadering in "Wonder land" A.K.A. "life" I perceieved That complaining about life won't take anybody anywhere
Taking actions and finding solutions is the best thing...
so let's see the definition of Suffering
Suffering : Is burning emotional energy on things we can't control

SO let's master things that we control..Let's devote our entire energy to things that we really care about
umm that requires real awareness of things that we REALLY CARE ABOUT

Life isn't smooth.
It needs patience.


This picture is from a movie called "Being john malkovich"
This was a poor puppeteer ,he worked a job he dislikes for money as a file coordinator.He fall in live with his colleague but She didn't care about him.In an early scene he envies his monkey for being unconscious he told him
"consciousness is a terible curse, I think, I feel, I suffer"

After finishing his work he returns home to his puppets.He tries to simulate the reality.He makes himself marry his colleague
He makes with his puppets things he can't do in reality
Sometimes we need to be in a lucid dream .. A dream totally made by us, no spoilers are foud where we can flee temporarily from the harshness and precautions of experiencing real-life situations ..

Friday, January 11, 2008


Life is like a cyclone
We are all running and running
occasionally the engines of this cyclone break down
That's when we stop to reconsider
Are we winning or losing?!
With mathematics we're surely losing
but here in life we must use new equations
we must use new scales
A 2:1 give and take ratio is extra fair
Then to satisfy our greed
Let's compromise to get more and more
But the feedback is "fake happyness"

I should learn to write It right

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Debate 1

Because that's what we do.
We jump hoping we can fly.
But In some cases we fall, wondering the whole way down why in the hell did we jump?!

I told him "Does that imply that we should not jump?"
He replied "I think jumping n' falling is better than not jumping at all?
I nodded
"Rational jumping" he went on..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


You were together from the very beginning.
You did know him quite well and you still do.
At some point of time you felt him changing.
You couldn't do nothing but watching.
From great depression and suicidal thoughts To the green philosophy.
You're astonished and worried.

Maybe life's fluctuations Would throw him again to the past sufferings!

Once you think about that, His green philosophy comes and put your mind at ease.
His green philosophy is Growing vastly.
He told me many times that "We need time to grow up, To comprehend the facts"
I witness that he Tries as hard as he can To give things time.
Some times I think this new philosophy is a result of the motivational stuff he reads, or Because he turned his life into a task.

Or it's a mere recrystallization.

Anyway, I happy because he's happy.Thx God